This challenge was to write a 100 word piece containing the dialogue, “What are you lot doing here?’
Here’s what I came up with (100 words):
Tears of a Clown
Ken was dead.
When he opened his eyes, he found he was beside a huge circus tent. Stale candyfloss and calliope chorus floated past on the breeze as several familiar figures approached.
“What are you lot doing here?” asked Ken.
“Welcome, Coco!” said Mr Giggles, painted tears contrasting his cheerful outlook.
Ken groaned and looked down at his own garish red and yellow costume.
“No! Please!”
“Yes, you guessed it,” said Flower, “It’s Clown Heaven!”
“Is this a joke?”
“Coco!” said Jangles, “There’s nothing funny about Clown Heaven!”
Ken sighed and put on his clown nose. “Yeah. You’re telling me.”
Clown heaven after death? You are creative! I like your descriptions, they are vivid and actually, quite funny. I like it.
Thanks for the kind words, Raven. Much appreciated. Do you write any flash fiction?
Not on my website at the moment. Soon I will, though.
Love it! A very amusing situation.
Cheers Rinelle. Hope you are well and that the words are flowing freely?
Proves what I already know…you are crazy!
Nothing wrong with that though, in fact it helps when faced with these flash fiction challenges.
Love the blunt way you tell of his death in the opening lines.
Haha – as if proof were needed! Yes, these challenges are great fun. Look forward to hearing your stuff again when you return to the group.
Aww, hopefully Ken will come around. At first I thought this was a reincarnation story and he’d gotten monkey-treatment, but I think you could have a blast in Clown Heaven. Infinite seltzer. Infinite pies. Nobody dies from falling off the trapeze anymore.
Haha, cheers John. Have to admit, for me it would be Hell – not because I find clowns scary (unless it’s Pennywise from ‘It’), but because I just don’t find them funny. Now, if it was a heaven that only played Laurel and Hardy films, that might be a different matter . . .