“From the moment I picked up your book until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it.” Groucho Marx Just one example of the genius of Groucho Marx, a master of the one-liner. Like all good comedians and comic writers, he made humour look effortless. Indeed, great…
Category: Film related
G is for Gold! Why I love The Treasure of The Sierra Madre
This is a short post about why I love the brilliant film, ‘The Treasure of The Sierra Madre’ and why I think you will love it too. There will be no spoilers in the post – so read on to find out why I think this classic should be on your viewing list. Made in…
F is for Films! How thinking cinematically can improve your writing.
I recently heard two different authors mention writing in the context of cinema and came to the realisation that the conventions and style of modern cinema influence my writing too. The first of these comments was from historical fiction writer, Hilary Mantel. Whilst I am yet to read any of Hilary’s work, Wolf Hall, in…