Only a very quick update of where I am in the 15k in May writing challenge – my attempt to add at least another 15,000 words to my WIP by the end of this month.
I’ve found this week to be very tough going and have had 3 ZERO days and also a measly 75 words on another day! Despite this I am still pretty much on target. With 22 days gone, my wordcount should be at 11,000 – and as of tonight I am at 11,126 so just about hanging on in there. I could complain and say it was mostly due to busy work and social life (some of which is true) but it would be more accurate to admit that I have been struggling with self-doubt as I approach the end-game of my story. My mantra of ‘just keep writing’ has taken me this far, but it has also created gaping plot holes and a number of problems that need to be resolved before I can reach a satisfying conclusion. This has meant that I have had a lot of ‘thinking’ time and not as much ‘writing’ time.
However, as of this evening, I think I may have cracked it (or at least given myself a fighting chance) by writing something that at the very least surprised me – so I hope it does the same for my readers!
Here are my wordcount figures for the past 8 days:
May 16th – 714
May 17th – ZERO
May 18th – ZERO
May 19th – 75 (!)
May 20th – 268
May 21st – 328
May 22nd – 851
TOTAL FOR 8 DAYS – 2236 words.
WIP TOTAL – 73,024
How are you finding your writing at the moment? Perhaps you have given yourself some other challenges to work through – how are they going? I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback so please follow the blog, follow me on Twitter or comment below.
You’re doing great! The plan is coming together, even if you thought you didn’t have one…
Also, I wouldn’t worry about a few ZERO days, everyone needs a break.
Keep the faith. 😉
Cheers, Maria. Onwards and upwards.
I love the plot twists that surprise me! They often turn out to be the best.
No writing today, been out all day, but hoping to get back to it. I know what you mean about feeling like you’re just hanging in there. I do know the end of my story, but I’m feeling like writing it is going through the motions, there just isn’t any inspiration in it yet! Hoping I’ll find some soon. Otherwise, it will have to wait for the revision!
You’re doing really well! I am easing about a bit and have tagged you in a meme!
I meant ‘messing about’ not ‘easing about’. Sigh…
Haha. I was wondering what that meant! You’ve tagged me in a meme? Where do I find that?
I’m not composing anything this month, rather waiting for my beta readers to turn in their manuscripts. June is going to be very busy with revisions. I’m eager for it.
As of this post you were 4,000 words from your goal for the month. I bet you’re pretty close now. Good going!
Hi John – I bet you are itching to crack on with your work once you get the feedback?
Bank Holiday here has slowed me up considerably – too much sun, food and booze to get any writing done! I will be rectifying this starting tonight. Only a few days left to cross the line.
Glad to hear you have a fighting chance at a satisfying conclusion. And I’m seriously impressed that you’re doing so well.
Thanks for the kind words, Misha. Have to be honest, finding it tough at the moment. It’s not the actual wordage – I’m still writing flash, short stories etc – but I seem to have written myself in to a corner that I’m struggling to write myself out of. It’s my own fault for not outlining my story properly before I started writing. Lesson learned!