This is the first of my ‘Write up to date’ posts. These will be weekly updates and in addition to my regular blog posts. The idea is for me to better plan my writing activities, become more accountable and to bring you ‘Write up to date’ with my progress. That accountability is key – your comments and interactions will keep me honest and give me a better chance of success. So, no pressure.
Long-term Goal – Finish first draft
In last week’s post I laid out my current dilemma around the completion of my WIP, “Let Sleeping Gods Lie”. Thank you for the comments, help and advice you all gave me. Throughout the week my resolve has wavered and I have changed my mind several times. However, the time for dithering is gone – positive action is needed.I have made the decision to push on from where I am at the moment, ignore my doubts and write the last part of my novel. Only when I have reached the end of this ugly brute of a first draft can I psychologically move on to outline Novel Number Two.
We are stronger when we work together so I have teamed up with fellow writer Maria Smith from First Draft Cafe and we have made Sundays our check-in day of the week.
My goal is to have finished the first draft by the end of June – including the missing chapters from the early section of the book.
Writing Plans this week
1. Write minimum of 1000 words of novel – I know, this seems like I’m going easy on myself and maybe I am, but it has been some time since I wrote anything on my WIP and I want week 1 to be achievable. It’s also not the only writing I’ll be doing.
2. Write minimum of 1000 words on my short story (working title ‘Cops and Robbers’) – This ‘short’ story seems to have a life of its own and I am writing the first draft without limiting myself to a specific word count.
3. Submit 2 short stories for competition or publication – I am part of a submissions group and our monthly meeting is on Saturday April 18th. I have already subbed 2 other stories and want to have 2 more subbed before the meeting.
4. Record new episode of our writing podcast, Joined Up Writing with Leah Osbourne – this week’s episode is all about collaborating with other writers on large scale projects. I need to have the episode edited and uploaded by Thursday.
5. Complete Phoenix Writers challenge – our critique group challenge for this week is to re-write a cliche. Not as easy as it sounds!
See you next Sunday?
Ok, that’s it for Write Up To Date Number 1. I have a busy week ahead – including 2 gigs with my band and a rehearsal, not to mention my day job. Next week I’ll report back on my progress and outline my plans for the following week.
In the meantime, let me know about your writing plans and feel free to share any tips you have for setting and achieving your creative goals. Happy Writing!
Woo action!
Glad you’ve decided what to do and to see you’ve got concrete plans. 🙂 It will make a ton of difference, that’s for sure. And I know Maria will keep you at it. 😉
In heading there to wave my pom poms at her next!
Cheers, Leah. Be great if some of your productivity could rub off on me!
I could smear you with chocolate like my boys do to me? That seems to be the kicker at the moment. 😉
You’ve really nailed your colours to the mast this week Wayne. Good luck with the writing plans in a full on week. Kingsley Amis always wrote a minimum of 500 words each morning before he started drinking. Sounds like a good strategy, but I could never manage the word count. K M
Haha. Thanks Keith. I’ll give it my best shot – Something else Kingsley used to say.
Sounds like a plan…good luck with it, I can’t wait to hear how you get on.
P.S. I’ve crossed two things off my list already. 🙂
Ooh, Maria – you’re such a swot! Ahem, I meant to say well done!I’ve re-read last two novel chapters and words will flow this evening.
Meant to say, I like ‘Write Up To Date’, and I really should number my updates too I suppose…seeing as the gauntlets are off!
Had an hour messing around on Scrivener last night, and edited half a chapter with it, so feeling a little more confident.
Thanks – you know I can’t resist a pun!
Great that you’re diving in to Scrivener – let me know if you want any pointers or come up against a problem. I managed a few hundred words on short story last night, but have been re-reading more of the novel (discovered I have more than one version of the last two chapters!) and I’m starting to (dare I say it?) look forward to getting back to it. Won’t be tonight though – podcast calls.
Well done on your forward planning. I tend to write / edit / admin (whatever takes my fancy) then at the end of the day declare what I have done the target I intended to hit!
Bea – I love your style! Who cares as long as it works?! Thanks for stopping by.